Institutional DeFi refers to the combination of DeFi protocols and innovations within traditional finance
Cross-border settlement
Web 3 as a service
Wallets & storage
On- & off-ramping (converting)
Send & receive crypto
Web3 Applications
Crypto cards
Tokenised assets/securities
Crypto acceptance services for merchants
Transaction analytics - Fraud prevention
Cash Management
1. Activity refers to all activities (exploration, pilots, offering etc.) of FIs regarding DeFi. We make
no difference in terms of quality/size of the activity (information is mostly not publicly available).
Furthermore, being active does not guarantee that the FI will ever go over to offering such services to
more or all its customers in the future.
2. This model provides a granular analysis regarding Institutional DeFi activity. Many of the offerings are
still in the exploratory phase. We analysed website and communication of Top100 global FIs in terms of assets and further substantiated the analysis with
other relevant local/regional FIs. Determining exact reach and adoption is challenging, as we cannot
specify the exact percentage of customers that can access these services.